Kangaroos have over 40 different types .. the small one call wallabies and the big one call red kangaroo.
Kangaroos eat during the night on wide variety of grasses and low plants though somtimes this grazing period starts in the late evening and end early in the morning . sometime they dont' drink for a month...
Kangaroos communicate by thump with their feet to warn other from danger also sometime they hug and kiss each other same as human ....
The kids kangaroo call joey . they look like their parents only they 're smaller. They spend more time in pouch for safety.
when male kangaroos fight , they look kind of like they're boxing. standing on their hind legs. they try to know the other off balance. if doen't work they use their tails and kick with their hind legs .they fight coz show female and prove who's storngest and largest.
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